Tlaxcala, Mexico


Tlaxcala is the capital of the state of the same name; the state is the smallest one in Mexico. It was a surprisingly nice city.


A Spanish palace.


It’s small but the historic centre was nice, and not necessarily the same as other Mexican towns. As you can see here, one can go up on the hill and observe the whole place too.


Huamantla, Mexico


Another town in Tlaxcala, famous for its bull fight. It was a total waste of time since it’s out of the festival season and there’s practically nothing to see.


Huamantla is a small magical town that’s largely agricultural in Tlaxcala, Mexico. It’s known for its bullfighting tradition as well as their Our Lady of Charity celebrations in August, which last for a whole month, including a night where “no-one sleeps” to decorate the whole town.

Cacaxtla, Mexico


Cacaxtla is the archeological site in the small state Tlaxcala. It’s not certain the origin of the natives of the area, and it’s not frequented by tourists, but it’s definitely worth a visit.


In order to visit, one must travel first to the state capital, then ask for a van somewhere to get to the town closest to the site. Alternatively, one may travel from Puebla, as the site is practically on the border of Tlaxcala.


There are technically two sites – one pictured here, another one in the first picture. The latter wasn’t open.


The site was probably the most well-preserved site I’ve seen in Mexico for the details it’s kept.


The things that make it special – very clear Maya-inspired murals.
